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Stupid Things Parents Do to Place Their Kids In Danger!
June 24, 2007
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From the Desk of:
Shidoshi Jeffrey Miller
Sunday, June 24th, 2007
6:30PM EST Time

"Really Stupid Things Parents Do
To Place Their Kids in Danger!

This is just a short message to let you know about a very important subject that I get a lot of email and questions about. And that subject is...

Child Safety

Now, you might not be a parent yourself, but I bet you know several who could still use what I'm about to share with you. If I'm wrong, just delete this message and get back to what you were doing.

Still with me?


What I wanted to share with you is that, over the past 20 years or so, both as a self-defense teacher and as a police officer, I've had the opportunity, much to my regret, to observe some of the things that are putting our kids in harm's way.

Unfortunately, what I've found is that, very often, it is lessons learned from a child's parents that do the most damage. As strange as that sounds, and as much as I wish it wasn't... IS true!

And, before you dismiss this because "you've got it all handled," you might want to make sure that you're not one of those I'm talking about!

In fact, I've identified no less than 10 areas that parents have complete control of in their child's life where they can either turn their child into a victim, or a survivor should some twisted individual decide to attack.

I've written a book, well, more like a special report, where I pull out all the stops and discuss these areas unlike I've ever done before. I've also written the book in a very unique way. In fact, if this report doesn't offend, shock, or at least turn a few heads, and wake up more than a few people who read it...

...I've done something seriously wrong in the process!

You can read more about the book and some of the really stupid things that parents can and actually do that increases their child's chances of becoming a victim right here:

If you're a parent who's serious about making sure that your child is as safe as possible in Today's often unsafe world, you need to read this book. Make sure you're not doing some of the things that could actually be endangering your child.

Again, here's the link to read more:

Oh, and after your read it, pass this email along to all your friends who have kids. They'll thank you for it!

Want to send me something?

You may send questions, comments, or "what-if's" for inclusion in the newsletter using the CONTACT form on the web site - or cut and paste this link into your browser:

Just remember to keep your communications clear and to the point (limit each correspondence to ONE point, please). Any comments or questions received that are not easily understood or rife with spelling and grammar errors will be deleted. It's not that I don't want to answer but, if I can't understand your point or what you mean, I can't answer in a way that will be beneficial.

Until next time. Wishing you Peace, Happiness, and Safety...

Shidoshi Jeffrey M. Miller
Founder & Director
Warrior Concepts International
Self-Protection & Personal Development

362 Market Street
Sunbury, Pa. 17801

(570) 988-2228

"Master Your Self - Master Your Life!"

MailBag Submission to J. M. Miller

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