New Year's GOMA
Goal-Setting Fire Ceremony

with Bujinkan Shidoshi Jeffrey (Kasei) Miller

Goma goal-setting fire ceremony

"Ignite a Fire in Your Life This Year!"

Every January, as part of the annual New Year's festivities here at the Warrior Concepts Training Academy (also home to the Tatsujin Kongosatta-in Tendai Learning Center), we perform a New Years Goal-setting Fire Ceremony called a Goma.

This special Goma ritual meditation is based on the full Goma fire ceremony/ritual that is an important part of the Japanese practices of esoteric Buddhist Mikkyo, as well as Shugendo and Shinto.

While not the full ritual, which is only performed by one person, this special goal-setting active meditation exercise captures the essence of the original, and allows students and participants to actively engage in their own, personal goal attainment process in a very deep and empowering way.

Shidoshi Miller was introduced to this meditation exercise in 1981 and went on to later take up the formal practice of Mikkyo to gain a much deeper understanding of the practice and its benefits for himself, his students, and all sentient beings in the World.

For the first time ever, Shidoshi Miller is "opening the gates" so to speak, and allowing others to gain the benefit of the power and merit generated through this ceremony - regardless of where you live in the world!

What that means is that, just as in Japan, you can request that a "goma-ki" stick be placed in the fire by the Shidoshi during the actual event - even if you can't be here.

But, that's not all.

To get the full benefit of the goma, you have to participate in the exercise. But, how do you do that if you're not here?

And the answer is that the actual goma goal-setting fire ceremony will be recorded on video, and made available to you as a digital download within a few days after the event, so that you can see what is happening, and you can here the Shidoshi as he guides participants through the actual meditation exercise.

You will watch as your gomaki, along with those of others participating in this power-generating event, is placed into the fire along with other items of significance to the meditation), and you will be able to do the exercise in your mind while you watch.

But... instead of being in the moment, you will have the benefit of having the entire process started for you -- even before you get the video. (This cannot be explained now as it would alter the benefit of the words and intention of the practice, but you will understand the significance as you hear Shidoshi Miller's words toward the end of the exercise!)

Participating is simple. And you have two levels of involvement to choose from.

All you need to do is complete the order process and then fill in the short form on the page that you will be sent to. The form will ask for 4 things:

1) Your Name (no screen names please - real names only!)

2) The date that you would like for your goal to manifest by (must be on or before December 31st of this year!)

3) A description of your goal (which will be attached to your gomaki for placement into the fire. And finally,

4) A short phrase which sums up the goal itself (i.e. "get book published/written", "attain my _____ belt", "business success", "improved health", etc.)

You may also request a gomaki for friends and loved-ones as well. Separate request for each person please

When it comes to attaining your goals this year...

Turn this...

Into... THIS!

Placing Your request

Unfortunately, due to the expense of the materials, supplies, and performing the Goma, we must ask for a donation to cover these things. As such, every effort has been made to keep things as reasonable as possible.

That being said, there are two options:

1) Request a Gomaki for placement into the fire with your goal/wish ($20 US)

This includes your personal goma stick, ritual meditation supplies for the fire, the digital download of the video recording of the fire ceremony, and your name listed in the credits along with others who are particpating in this special, once-a-year event. You will use this later to go through the exercise at home as you personally follow Shidoshi Miller through the ritual meditation.


2) Full Goma Request ($35 US)

This includes everything from option 1, but it also includes a small packet containing some of the actual ash from the goma ceremony that your stick was burned in. This is only a small amount but it will serve as a physical reminder that you can put in a special place to remind you of the power and intention that you helped to generate during this powerful, and life-empowering ceremony.

The price also includes a small fee for handling and shipping the Goma ash to you.

To Place your request, simply click on the PayPal button which matches your choice and then complete the short form on the landing page. (If you are not taken to the landing page immediately upon check-out, please contact us immediately at

Option 1: Gomaki & Video Only

Option 2: Full Goma Request
Including small packet of the Goma ash

Unfortunately, as the event is scheduled to be held at 1pm Eastern time on Sunday, January 8th (the Shidoshi's birthday and anniversary in the art of Ninpo!), we cannot except orders past 9am that morning. This is due to the time needed to properly prepare everything for the actual Goma.

We are sorry, but once your request is made, we cannot alter it in any way. This includes upgrading, downgrading, or cancelling it - as steps will have already been taking to personalize your gomaki for the ritual meditation.

If you want to truly jump-start your life this year - and finally realize that goal, dream, or wish that has eluded you - or if you need to improve the quality of some aspect of your life, then this empowering practice can help to get the "fire" started!

Go ahead and request your personal gomaki. and, while your at it, go ahead and order one for each of the special people in your life for whom you wish only the best! Separate request for each person please

Option 1: Gomaki & Video Only

Option 2: Full Goma Request
Including small packet of the Goma ash