
Your registration and acceptance into the Ninja no Hachimon Online Ninja Training Program is Complete!

Introduction & Welcome to the Program

What's Next?

Please read this page very carefully, as it outlines and provides some very important information that you will need.

Check your email shortly. You will be receiving your first official lesson in this powerful online Ninja training program, focusing on the ancient system for determining who was, and who was not, a Ninja in ancient Japan. This email is VERY important, as it contains your first week's lesson.

Over the course of the next several weeks, you will not only be learning about these "official" skill areas, but you will also be shown how to apply these lessons Today - in the 21st Century!

Each lesson will contain additional resources as well. Depending on the lesson, there will be bonus training videos, articles, and other references - all designed to help you get the most out of, not just this program - but out of your training altogether!

What to Expect...

Each lesson that you receive will include the link to the primary webcast lesson which may or may not include a slide presentation. You are encouraged to download the mp3 file for each class and burn it onto a CD for future reference.

This benefit in and of itself, actually DOUBLES the value of this program. Because, you are not only getting the recorded lessons via web-based instruction, but you can also save the lessons to CD, and create a stand-alone set.

PLEASE NOTE: These recordings are for your private use only! They are protected by international copyright laws and, under NO circumstances are you permitted to distribute them to anyone else - regardless of whether for free or for a fee.

You will also receive an accountability (I hate the word "homework") assignment that you are expected to complete over the course of the following week. Of course, the reality is that I cannot force you to do these training exercises and drills. However; you must remember that you will only get out of this program, benefits that match the amount of time, effort, and attention that you put into it.

And, of course you have priority email coaching from me. That means that I will reply to any and all training-related questions within 24 hours. So, do not hesitate to ask questions if you need clarity on anything related to this course. My email address for questions is:

I think that's it.

Please read the following Welcome Letter and then scroll down and enter your name and email as you entered it thru PayPal to receive your first lesson. Then check your email for the link to the recording of your first lesson.

Here is the direct link to the "Welcome" Letter:

Again, congratulations on taking the action necessary to get this training for yourself. The insights, lessons, and skills that you will be learning over the next several weeks will help you to realize a dramatic and powerful change in your training and progress.

Remember... You are NOW a part of Ninja History!

To Your Achievement of Warrior Mastery!

Shidoshi Miller

Enter your info to receive your first lesson.