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Just a reminder that using this form will register you for our next online ninja training webinar here at Warrior Concepts. Please make sure that you check the date and seminar topic to insure two (2) very important things...
- You are registering for the seminar/event you want, and...
- The event you're registering for is STILL ACTIVE
Also...If you landed on this page from outside, you can get more information about our free online seminars in ninjutsu, budo-taijutsu, self-defense, and personal development, by clicking here as well as the full scope of what we have to offer by clicking here IMPORTANT NOTE... If you are not an active WCI student/member or subscribed to the Warrior Concepts Newsletter, you will be automatically subscribed. Submission of this form constitutes OPT-IN consent and complies with current Can/SPAM regulations.
Get more information about online ninja training from Warrior Concepts International and Shidoshi Jeffrey Miller