Special Limited Offer - This Week Only!

Get Guidance from an Authentic Teacher with a
FREE 1 Hour Online Ninja
Training Strategy Session
from Shidoshi Miller!

Let me ask you something...

Are you tired of missing out on training because you don't have a teacher to train with?

Are you trying to learn the Ninja's art on your own?

Do you feel lost, because you don't know where to start, what to do, or if what you are doing is even right at all?

Would you like to some guidance and direction from a real Master-teacher of Ninjutsu - the martial and life ways of the Ninja?


Here's your chance!

My schedule is free for the early part of next week. What that means is that, because I hate having empty time on my hands, I am offering serious students only, the opportunity to get a complimentary, 1 hour coaching call and strategy session with me.

Are you someone who is looking for serious professional training from a real teacher who can guide you along the Path toward Ninja Mastery?

If so, I'd like for you to think about a few things, okay?

First, why do you want to learn the Ninja's arts, as opposed to any other martial art?

How would it feel to have the confidence, power, and control of a true warrior?

Who would benefit from your new skills?

And finally...

What are you willing to do to get those skills?

You see...

I'm serious about only teaching committed students who want to learn. I want to teach people who could definitely benefit from this training to make their lives more powerful and complete.

I'm not looking for disgruntled, angry, or weak individuals who want to learn how to beat up the bullies in their lives.

I'm also not looking for students who play the "whoa-is-me...", victim game, either.

The question is...

Are you ready to take the next step?

If so, I'm offering you a chance to take part in a no-obligation, 1 hour training call with me. This is a real coaching call that, if you paid for it based on my normal consulting rates, would cost $250.

But, for this limited time only, you can reserve a personal strategy session with me where I will open up and answer any questions that you have about your training, the art of Ninjutsu, or your progress towards personal and warrior mastery that you might have.

In fact, during this call, you and I are going to do 3 things.

  • I am going to help you with any challenges that you have right now in your training.

  • I will help you set up specific training and progress goals for the next 3 - 6 months, and...

  • I will explain my coaching program to you and we will see if you and I are a good fit to work together - if you are qualified to work with me and become one of my personal, long distance training students.

How does that sound?

But, there is a catch! I bet you knew that there was. Here it is...

The catch is that I can't give away a too many of these calls. I make my living as a coach and a consultant so, if I teach too many free classes - my family goes hungry.

So, the catch is that I only have 9 7 appointment times available. That means that if you are one of the first nine seven people that set up a coaching call, you're locked in for one of these spaces. If not...

You don't.

So, if you're ready to take action...

Serious, like-changing, action...

Then all you have to do to reserve your spot is to send an email to me. This email should have three things...

  • 2 or 3 times and days that work for you where we can talk, undisturbed, about your challenges and training

  • A brief description about your training in the martial arts and Ninjutsu, and what your current challenge is, and...

  • the words "Call Request" in the subject line of the email

Then, I will match up a time and day for us to talk, and send you a confirmation email.

PLEASE NOTE: You MUST be at least 18 years old to register for one of these special coaching calls!

The email address for requesting your complimentary coaching call with me is: warriorc@warrior-concepts-online.com

The choice is yours. But, if you're tired of waiting for the "right time" to get this training. If you're serious about learning the art of Japan's ancient shadow Warriors...

Send that email and reserve your coaching call... Right Now!