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You will find your download link for the book: "KUBOTAN: Self-Defense Keychain" at the bottom of this page.

But first, I'd like you to take a look at this...

One-Time, Limited,
Special Offer...

As my thanks for purchasing "KUBOTAN: Self-Defense Keychain", I want to offer you something to help make you as safe and in-control as possible.

It's the...

"Danger Prevention Tactics"
Protecting Yourself Like a Pro!"

Self-Defense video by Shidoshi Jeffrey Miller

This information-packed self defense video is based on decades of training and real-world experience and starts you out on the right foot in learning to effectively protect yourself...

... with awareness.

With all of the variables that exist in an attack, coupled with all of the different types of attacks and other dangers that could find you, it's impossible to offer any one program or self defense video capable of covering it all. But, the one thing that is necessary, regardless of the program is knowing what you're up against and the realities inherent in the most common situations. And, the truth is that, the more distance that you can put between yourself and danger - the more time you have to respond, and/or the more options you have at your disposal for escaping,...

... the greater your chances of living a long, happy, and stress-free life.

Danger Prevention Tactics: Protecting Yourself Like a Pro contains easy to learn strategies that are time-tested and proven to be effective by undercover law enforcement and security professionals. These are the same strategies and tactics that I, and other experts who know what true self-defense is, use every day to stay safe and alive.

What You'll Learn in this Powerful Self Defense Video

On this powerfully effective self defense video, you will learn how criminals think and what you must do to survive in life-threatening situations. You will learn strategies for:

  • Home Security

  • Vehicle Safety

  • Public Area Safety:
    • Malls
    • ATM's
    • Restaurants
    • Buildings
    • Subways
    • Airports
    • Buses
    • Elevators
    • Parking Garages...
    • ...and Lots more.

  • PLUS: You'll learn how to recognize potential criminal attackers before they have a chance to choose you as their next victim.

Take control of your life and personal safety. Learn to use the same awareness tactics, strategies and skills used by undercover police officers, investigators, and government agents every day. With the "Danger Prevention Tactics" self defense video, you'll learn to use the same skills, tactics, and strategies that professionals rely on to stay safe and alive in an often unsafe world.

This dynamic new video, "Danger Prevention Tactics": Protecting Yourself Like a Pro™, normally sells for $39.95 plus shipping and handling. But, as my thank you for purchasing the KUBOTAN: Self-Defense Keychain Training Manual, you can save over 50% off and get it for just $17...

...and I'll even pay the shipping and handling charge for you! That's a savings of over $30!


...this offer is only available once. When you click away from this window, you'll never see this page again.


Be honest. What is your life worth? As for me, the answer is...


How much would someone have to give you for you to allow yourself to be damaged, mugged, severely injured or killed in an accident? Again, you'd have to be crazy to even begin to come up with a number, right?

But, for the cost of an average dinner for two at a family restaurant, you can:

  • Live more Stress-Free

  • Know what to look for and prevent danger from ever touching you

  • Learn the same lifesaving techniques used by security specialists and secret agents

  • Feel more safe and secure, and...

  • Reduce the need for physical self-defense training and martial arts classes


If danger can't touch you, it can't hurt you!

The price of this powerful self defense video, if you take advantage of this one-time, special offer, is only $39.95 $17 INCLUDING shipping & handling!

Order Now. You'll be glad you did. I promise.

Your Download Details

Here is the information you'll need to download your new ebook to your hard drive.

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Choose "Save to Disk" to start the download.

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It will be sent out about once a month with information pertaining to various aspects of self-protection and personal development. this way, not only will you stay up-to-date on what's going on here at WCI in the way of training programs, courses, new books and self-defense videos, but; you'll also be getting an ongoing supply of free lessons to keep yourself safe and ready for anything.

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