Warrior Concepts Life Mastery Program

Life Purpose Discovery Course

File Download Page

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Right click on the links below to download the files to your computer. It might be helpful to also create a new folder to place all of these files in. Name the folder something easy, like "Life Purpose Materials."

If you need help with anything, remember that you received a free 30-day unlimited email coaching bonus with this program. That means that I am here to help you through any questions, concerns, or challenges that you might have as you move through this course.

To reach me by email, send correspondence to: jmmiller@warrior-concepts-online.com

When writing, please make sure to:

1) Limit each email to 1 topic so that I can easily answer THAT question, issue

2) Stay focused on the result you need. Remember that "Enlightenment" is the result of asking the right questions. The more clear you can be in your email, the more clear of a response I can give in return. And, finally...

3) Stay focused on the "process." Avoid asking questions about step 3, if you haven't yet completed steps 1 and/or 2 yet.

The thing to remember is that, this process "works." But, it only produces results if YOU do the work!

That being said, remember that I am here for you, and I want to see you succeed!

To Your Attainment of Personal Mastery!

Shidoshi Miller

File Area:

Life Purpose Teleclass mp3 Download Audio Class mp3

Life Purpose Student Workbook Download Your Workbook

Bonus Life Mastery Articles

If you already have some of these materials, that's okay. Just download what you need to progress to the next level.

Creating the Motivation You Need Click to read

Life Mastery Key #1 - Leadership Click to read

Life Mastery Key #2 - Character & Interdependence Click to read

Life Mastery Keys #3 & 4 - Right Action & Right Effort Click to read

Life Mastery Key #5 - Decisiveness Click to read

The Committment To Growth Click to read