Become an Official
Associate Member of
Warrior Concepts International

All The Information You Need to
Become a Registered Member
Under Shidoshi Jeffrey M. Miller

Show your commitment to yourself as you support the vision of Shidoshi Miller and Warrior Concepts International to promote a more peaceful, powerful, and committed warrior ideal in the world. This is your first step towards the attainment of the power, confidence, and control that comes from having the ability to create the life you've always dreamed of living and the skills necessary for protecting that life from anything that would threaten it.

The Benefits...

The full scope of just how much you'll get out of your WCI Membership really depends on you. But, as an associate member, you'll have unrestricted access to:

  • All of the newsletters offered by Shidoshi Miller

  • The WCI Forums!

  • Seminars, Camps, and Training Events

Membership Kit

Associate members also receive a special membership kit which includes:

  • A traditional-style membership certificate printed on gold parchment and suitable for framing so you can proudly display your commitment to the vision

  • Wallet size membership card identifying you as a registered associate member of WCI

  • Member's Only events and special sale discounts on training supplies and equipment

  • Personalized "Thank You" Letter from Shidoshi Miller recognozing your commitment to yourself and pledging his support in helping you
Membership Application Coming

Distance-Learning Student Membership

The first step to becoming a full Black Belt Master Teacher!

Are you really serious about your training?

Can you see yourself as a WCI Instructor with an official Bujinkan Shidoshi-ho or full Shidoshi teacher's certificate? Perhaps you'd prefer to be certified EDR instructor, teaching others how to be safe in an often unsafe world?


You'll want to upgrade to the Shidoshi's full WCI Distance-Learning Student Membership. *Details coming soon!*