Thank You for Purchasing
The Karate-Myth

And congratulations on taking an important step in taking command of your life and personal safety!

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Here's What Happens Now

Now it's time to download the products you ordered. Please take note of the following as it pertains to the download options that you have for this product. Also note that there are two VERY IMPORTANT passwords following these instructions that you will need to open your ebooks.

If you are a PC user running Windows

Click on this link to download an executable (.exe) file that will install your products onto your harddrive for you. Your link is:

If the link is not active, just copy and paste it into your browser. Insure that the link is unbroken. It begins with "Http://" and ends with "8013f" in an unbroken string of characters.

You will need the password: "mythbuster" (without the quotes) to access the download link for your product.

If you are a MAC or Linux user

Click on this link to be taken to a secure page that contains your links for each product in Adobe .pdf format. Your link is:

If the link is not active, just copy and paste it into your browser. Insure that the link is unbroken. It begins with "Http://" and ends with "pdf2-07" in an unbroken string of characters.

You will need the password: "guardian" (without the quotes) to access the page and your download links.

After your books are downloaded

As an added means of security and preventing hackers from stealing these products from both you and me, both The Karate Myth and the special report, Controlling the Fight have been password protected. You will need the following passwords to open the ebooks and access the information within.

Karate-Myth password: Q14SY7

Controlling the Fight password: guardian

That's It!

Enjoy your ebooks and feel free to explore the many other areas that make up this powerful and informative web site. Of particular interest to you might be...

Again, thank you for your trust and loyalty. We know that you'll enjoy this item.

Now, feel free to return to your browsing of the other informative topics and content inside and, if you haven't already done so...

...Go here to Subscribe to the WCI Online Newsletter

It will be sent out about once a month with information pertaining to various aspects of self-protection and personal development. this way, not only will you stay up-to-date on what's going on here at WCI in the way of training programs, courses, new books and self-defense videos, but; you'll also be getting an ongoing supply of free lessons to keep yourself safe and ready for anything.

Technical Support: If you have any questions regarding this product or encounter problems with installation, simply contact our tech support team at (Please note that, due to the widespread problem with spam on the internet today, the email address is a non-active link to prevent harvesters and hackers from doing damage to you or us. We hope you understand and we apologize for any inconvenience.)

Again, Thank You for your order. Return to the WCI Home Page