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The podcast for Serious Martial Artists and Students of Authentic Japanese Ninjutsu!

Kuden is an online podcast and radio talk show production of Warrior Concepts International, Inc. It is co-hosted by Warrior Concepts' founder, Shidoshi Jeffrey M. Miller and Sensei Eric White, one of the Shidoshi's senior Black Belt practitioners and a professional on-air, radio personality.

All episodes are produced in a professional studio and saved in mp3 format so that they may be listened to through your computer's speakers, or downloaded to your iPod, iPad, tablet or hard drive.

Find out more about KUDEN here.

Here are your links to download Episode 11:

If you have a fast/high-speed connection, use this link to the entire episode:

Download the Full Episode

If you have a slower connection, or limited bandwidth, here are the links to the individual show segments:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


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