Your "Takagi-Yoshin Ryu
Home Study Course"

Bonuses Download Page

Congratulations on choosing to take action and purchase my Takagi-Yoshin Ryu Shoden Scroll home study course.

The core material in the course is on a set of 4 DVDs, which should be mailed within 24 - 48 hours during the week, and on Monday if you purchased over the weekend.

I have decided to include some additional information and bonuses to this package, above and beyond the manual and additional ones I promised in the letter. The bonuses are designed to give you an added advantage to mastering the Ninja's approach to self protection and combat.

So I have hand-chosen a series of recordings from various video lessons I have taught in the past, as well as some additional articles, and compiled them all together here.

If you don't need one topic - that's ok...just download what you need! But I did want to cover everything in this bonus material.

To Your Achievement of Mastery!

Shidoshi Miller

P.S. Keep in mind...these bonuses are to give you some additional information and perspective and fill in and provide some extra information to hold you over until your DVD course arrives. The grappling home study course itself is an in-depth course on the Takagi Yoshin Ryu's approach to giving you the upper-hand in a real-world self defense situation and will be arriving at your doorstep soon!

Here are your bonus recordings and links:

I will have the links active by the end of the weekend. Sorry for the inconvenience. - Shidoshi

Takagi-Yoshin Ryu Home Study Course Bonus #1:

Student Scroll Training Workbook - This is a specially designed resource that I give to students who attend my live training programs. If you are already a Mastery or Shinobi-Kai member who has received the Takagi Shoden initiation - you already have this.

Takagi-Yoshin Ryu Home Study Course Bonus #2:

Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu scroll outline - Outlines all of the jutaijutsu scrolls and the names of the kata on each!

Takagi-Yoshin Ryu Home Study Course Bonus #3:

Bujinkan Ryu-ha Outline - A brief outline of the 9 traditional schools of the Bujinkan Dojo that forms the foundation of the Warrior Concepts' Black Belt Mastery Programs!

Additional Bonus Articles & Videos:

"Mastering the Use of Pressure Points"

"The Difference Between a Fighter, Soldier, and a Warrior"

Bully grab defense (video)

Bearhug Defense (video)

That's all for now!

Shidoshi Miller