Science of Self-Defense Video Series

Episode #3: "How Long Will It Take To Learn Self-Defense?"

Hi, Jeffrey Miller here from Warrior Concepts with your next self defense video in the Science of Self-Defense Training Series.

In this episode, I'll be discussing a question about the amount of time it will take for your to learn to protect yourself.

I'll assume that you're not the lazy type who is hoping that they can just sit there, watch a video or read a self-defense book, and become an expert by osmosis. If I'm wrong, I'll tell you how to be safe anyway in this video. Otherwise, I'll be focusing on the 3 elements of study and more, so click on the link to start watching this episode of the "Science of Self-Defense Video Series."

And, if you really want to start using the same principles and concepts that real experts use every day to be safe - if you want to increase your awareness and learn EXACTLY what clues signal danger:

  • When driving
  • In a restaurant
  • at an ATM

If you want to be able to:

  • survive a plane, train, or other public transportation disaster
  • avoid being ambushed in your car or parking garage
  • live happy and stress-free knowing that you can avoid 95% of the attackers hunting for victims right now...

Check out the Danger Prevention Tactics DVD. Here's the URL if the link isn't active in your browser...


If you don't already have it, I'd like to give you my ebook called, "Fight Smarter - Not Harder". And the best part is, it's absolutely free!

Just go to this page and claim your free ebook.

And, REMEMBER, you're always invited to join me for one of my seminars, workshops, camps, or on-going training programs - or you want to schedule private coaching with me - just contact the WCI main training facility (in the US & Canada) at (570) 988-2228. Check the main page for a list of upcoming seminars and training opportunities.

Peace and Happiness,

Jeffrey M. Miller
Warrior Concepts International
362 Market Street
Sunbury, Pennsylvania 17801

Phone: (570) 988-2228